
Teng Tools catalogues - Weekly specials

Teng Tools catalogues, weekly ads, and offers

Teng Tools is a Swedish brand of tools. The company is headquartered in Vastra Gotaland, Sweden, and operates in more than 30 countries around the globe, including Australia. They sell a wide range of tools that cater to the needs of professional mechanics, technicians, and industrial users.

Frequently asked questions about Teng Tools

How to save money at Teng Tools

You can save money at Teng Tools in many ways. Visit their website to find their latest catalogs and discover amazing deals and promotions. You can also contact your nearest retailer to ask for their exclusive benefits.

How can I access the best deals at Teng Tools?

My Deals 365 brings you the best catalogues, discounts, and special offers from all your favorite shops.

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When was Teng Tools created?

Henri Tengvall established Teng Tools in 1985 in Sweden. The name "Teng Tools” not only reflects Henri's surname, but also draws inspiration from the Japanese mythical creature, Tengu, which appears in the company's logo. Teng Tools has expanded globally over the years. Today, the company is present in more than 30 countries. In Australia, Teng Tools has hundreds of points of sale. You can find locations in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Newcastle, and many other cities.

Is Teng Tools currently open?

The days and times of operations are different for each Teng Tools retailer. Visit their website to discover your nearest point of sale and check their opening hours.

How to buy Teng Tools products Online

Teng Tools sells its products exclusively through its points of sale. However, you can visit their website to discover their catalogs, find your nearest retailer, and stay updated about their latest news and offers.

What brands can I find at Teng Tools?

Teng Tools designs, manufactures and sells high-quality tools under their label. They are constantly developing and improving their tools. They use strong materials and follow the highest standards to guarantee their tools are of the best quality.

How many Teng Tools stores are across the country?

There are hundreds of Teng Tools retailers in Australia, so you will always find one near you. To discover your nearest store, visit https://www.tengtools.com/au/where-to-buy.

How to get exclusive benefits at Teng Tools

Teng Tools offers many exclusive benefits to its customers, such as product warranties. Follow Teng Tools on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay updated about their deals.

Teng Tools latest discounts!

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Black Friday

Get the latest Black Friday Deals from Teng Tools right now!

Don't wait until November 29 to start your Black Friday shopping. Find the biggest Teng Tools offers of the season today at Teng Tools.
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