It doesn't matter if you are a professional or an amateur. If you are going hiking, you have to carry some items that are essential to ensure your health and safety. A map, compass or GPS are a must, but there are also other accessories you should own. Visiting national parks and exploring local ecosystems is one of the favorite pastimes of Australians. There is nothing better than nature to get away from work stress and recharge your batteries. In Australia there are many stores that sell camping equipment at very good prices. You can visit them or just browse their website if you don't have much time. Here is a list of camping gear that every hiker needs.
The tent has to be number one on your list. It is the main item if we are going camping and it becomes our biggest shelter in case of emergency or bad weather. There are different types of tents and the choice will depend on the number of people coming. You can opt for a large tent for all the hikers to sleep in or split up and take more than one tent. At Decathlon you'll find tents for four, six and eight people, with prices ranging from $118 to $313. They are rain and snow resistant and incorporate hidden pockets for better storage.
Light will be indispensable during the night and even more so in forests as thick as those in Australia. It will allow you to control everything around you and you will be able to sleep peacefully and safely, without fear of being attacked by an animal. There are some aspects that you should take into account: that it has a bright light, that it resists knocks and falls and that it has long-lasting batteries. At Intersport you can find combos of three flashlights for $41. There are some more sophisticated flashlights that go for as much as $78.
When you go hiking you carry a lot of luggage and a suitcase is useless. We must buy a hiking backpack that suits our activity and allows us to carry everything in the same bag. At Sportspower there are backpacks for $172. These backpacks have a total volume capacity of 18 liters and many zippered compartments to carry everything you need. They are ideal for a three-day hike.
Gone are the days of the map and compass, and many hikers prefer to carry a GPS sports watch. It is a very important device to know where we are and not have any inconvenience when we are on our way back. At Nike and Sports & Recreation there are a variety of GPS watches ranging from $157 to $631. The variation in price depends on the features incorporated in each device.
My Deals 365 brings you all the discount catalogs of your favorite brands to make camping an enjoyable and inexpensive experience. Don't stay in the comfort of your home and start exploring nature alone or in company. Enjoy life!
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